
The Healthcare and life science markets in Nordic and Baltic countries offer many opportunities, both for companies willing to boost their sales or for those searching for collaboration in research.
In 2007, the expenditure on Health in the region has been for the first time exceeding the $ 90 billons mark (approximately 55% of the British market in size for example, 45% of the French and 90% of the Spanish one).
Though often considered as a whole by foreign companies, each market has its own specificities, and some companies targeting the whole region end up in having mixed results - success in some markets and low development in others.
Iloxia helps you to target the markets where your company will be able to build the strongest competitive advantage, to find the best local partners and to optimise your sales in the whole region.

Nordic countries

Nordic countries have a very high standard of service, combined with world class research.
The healthcare system's main feature is its high level of decentralisation, provinces or municipalities having a decisive role in the planning and delivery of care.
A number of innovative local companies are serve the regional market of devices and medicines, and many became also heavy exporters relying on key innovations. These countries are nevertheless importing many products and machines, with a focus on those not competing with local products.

Baltic countries

Baltic healthcare markets are somehow less mature, mostly built from the mid-1990 and still undergoing many changes. Though Nordic companies have a strong market share, a number of opportunities exist for foreign providers as local production is scarce. Development of research in medical science and biotechnology has also been a steady target for each country.

Total expenditure on Health (WHO 2006)

Total expenditure (M US $)
8,9 %
28 310
8,7 %
21 110
9,5 %
18 190
7,6 %
13 010
6,2 %
3 550
6,0 %
2 230
5,0 %
1 330
9,3 %